13 August 2007

Fond Memories...

Two of my kids... I've been working on a photo album to remember my Oliver - he was such a great dog - and ran across this pic. I don't believe i ever posted it and it's quite adorable, great pic of what it's like at my house, cute animals just laying around, chillin'!


Ellie said...

Yay for peaceful interspecial relations!

Anonymous said...

Aww that is so cute! I'd love a house like that - cute animals lying all over the place! You couldn't be sad there. :)

Bogdan, the editor said...

Aw. it's true! There is nothing like animals lying around chillin'. Always brings a smile to me.

-Morning Scratch investor

DK & The Fluffies said...

How's Bilbo doing?

DK & The Fluffies said...

BTW - I think you have very cute toes! ~DKM

Zinger said...

i don't know how bilbo is doing but last report she was very happy with her new bunny and loved bilbo very much so i suspect very well!

dguzman said...

awwwws from me and Niblet

Anonymous said...

Archi Ann who is that Bun? Does he share your warren? I know how it is to put up with woofies. Cuz I have to live with the Barkers. Don't worry about not havin' a tail. My mum says Its always cool to be different.

Karen Jo said...

I love to see animals lying around chillin'. Oliver looks like a very nice dog.