29 April 2008

Avoiding Big Dumb Puppy 101

STEP 1: Get MUM to make some cool tunnels out of her product boxes from her store. We can hide in the tunnels:STEP 2: Peek out the holes to see if that dumb puppy is gone:

STEP 3: SLOWLY creep out once you know the dumb puppy is not around anymore:


Anonymous said...

When is that big dumb puppy ever going to learn? We have a cool Costco box jungle here!

Zinger said...

i think when he's big dumb really old dog maybe

YowlYY said...

I used to have a nice cardboard house before Miss Eve arrived, then when she came mum took the box out of the crate because she said we need more space. I hope that mum will get us another cardboard box soon...it was fun to shred it, not to mention it is a good hiding place, especially if there are dog puppies around, or strangers coming into the house...

Deb Cushman said...

Looks like a great tunnel system you've got there to avoid BDP!

Karen Jo said...

I love your tunnel system. That looks like the best way ever to avoid BDP.

The Cat Realm said...

I personally like tunnels too! I think. I don't really have any, hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

That is a furry nice set-up there! I hope you gave Mum some ideas fur me!

The Bunns said...


Sames Blogs said...

I hate to tell you bun's that "dumb puppy" is probably not as dumb as you think. He is just giving you a false security... hehehehe, oops, I mean BARK!
--Max the Prince!

Anonymous said...

Hehe nice tunnel! You can definitely hide in there and spy on the dog ... but I think the dog might know more than he's letting on! ;)

RG said...

Archi .. I just read about the nipping you gave the Mum ... for being in your "space". I better remember that. If I should live to be 100, I will finally know about rabbits!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Good way to get around BIG DUMB PUPPY!

Anonymous said...

Hehe that little village looks pretty sweet!